Current Affairs Hindi

ARCI develops technology to improve fuel efficiency of internal combustion engines

An autonomous Research and Development Centre of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), International Advanced Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI – International Advanced Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials) has an ultrafast laser surface Technology has developed technology, which can improve the fuel efficiency of internal combustion engines.

What is laser surface textured?

  • In this technique, micro-sockets or grooves are constructed on the surface of objects in a highly controlled manner through a pulsed laser beam. Such textures also control effects such as dry sliding conditions and increasing the supply of oil (lubricant tank) and can reduce the rate of wear while reducing the friction coefficient.
  • The laser surface, which provides precise control to the size, texture and density of micro-surface textures, effectively controls micro-textured friction and wear.

What is technology?

  • Texture surfaces were manufactured on automotive internal combustion engine parts, piston rings and cylinder liners using 100 FS pulse duration laser. Micro-sockets of about 5-10 micron deep and 10-20 micron diameter are built using regular patterns through laser beams.
  • The engine test ring of the manufactured texture was tested at various speeds and temperatures with cooling and lubricant oil, and it was observed that the use of this texture on piston rings reduced the consumption of lubricant fuel by 16%. The 10-hour lube oil consumption test shows that the friction in the texture rings has also decreased considerably.
  • The formation of a micro-socket or groove pattern on the surface of objects changes surfaces topography which generates additional hydrodynamic pressure, thereby increasing the carrying capacity of surfaces. It, therefore, reduces the rate of wear by controlling effects such as dry sliding conditions and increasing the fuel supply (lubricant tank) as well as reducing the friction coefficient.
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